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11 Things Your Deceased Pet Would Want You to Know

If you have lost a pet recently, or if you’re lucky enough to not have experienced a loss yet, there have probably been times you wished you could communicate better with your furry friend. Imagining what your pet is, or was, can help pet owners find comfort after a loss. Find solace in knowing that you provided a wonderful life for your pet and that missing them is normal, but moving on is a necessary step in due time. Here are some thoughtful messages our pets would (probably) have shared with us if they could.

They loved you unconditionally and more than you can comprehend

To your pet, you are their whole world. Although people may have more relationships, animals often bond with one or a select few people, and their love doesn’t change whether you have a good or bad day, or whether you spend a long time at work.

Loving again is not a betrayal

Most of our pets probably would have welcomed another into the family, and even those that weren’t particularly friendly with others know that your happiness is important. While it can be devastating to lose a pet, finding another that brings you joy is an important part of life. Moving on won’t be seen as a betrayal, your pet is probably confident that they were your favorite. 

Grey haired man nose to nose with cat.

They know you would have spent every second with them if you could

Long days at work, vacations, and life events all might have interrupted the time you spent with your pet, but they still know that you loved them dearly and would have included them if it was possible. A good cuddle, extra play time, or a long scratch made up for any lost time.

They don’t hold grudges over the times you raised your voice or told them off

Accidents happen, whether out of excitement or misunderstanding, and our pets know that sometimes those actions come with consequences. Maybe we even yelled at them simply because we had a bad day. As we forgave them, our pets forgave us as well. They saw past our flaws and felt our love in everything that we did for them.

They tried to communicate the best they could

Chewing on your favorite shoes, peeing on the bed – maybe our pets were merely seeking attention and trying to communicate with us the best way they knew how. Studies have shown dogs can recognize emotion, so maybe that extra cuddle they initiated was because they knew you were sad or felt your stress. Either way, pets are intuitive and can often feel or read how our actions and mood change.

They understand sadness and want you to be happy

Your pet probably recognized your emotions before, and that’s why they initiated extra cuddles and attention. So, the last thing they want is to see you upset. It’s okay to be sad, and that’s why our pets don’t think loving again is a betrayal – it’s simply a way for us to find light in a time of darkness.

They appreciate that you didn’t want them to suffer

Although we hope that our pets will live long, full lives, that’s not always what life has in store for them. When it comes to the end of their time, pets that are sick or injured know that you made the tough decision to end their suffering for their benefit. Find relief in the fact that your pet is now comfortable and pain-free as they romp beyond the rainbow bridge.

Happy White Dog

They hope you keep a space in your heart for them, always

Do our pets miss us when they die? We like to think that our pets have fond memories of us but are so busy frolicking and enjoying the other side of the rainbow bridge that they don’t have the chance to be sad about missing us. Do we miss them? Yes, very much so, and we hope they’re at peace.

They hope their memory will bring a smile to your face

Dogs, cats, birds, whatever type of pet you have, they all made mistakes or had accidents. They hope that their antics, personality, and love are what we remember most about them! Mostly they just want to make sure that their memory doesn’t always cause pain and sadness, and as we cope with grief, we see the beauty and effect our pets had on our lives.

They are thankful you made them part of the family

This probably resonates most with shelter rescues, but having a loving, fun, and safe human to rely on is what made their life amazing. The stability and caring nature of family is what allowed them to recover, thrive, and make the most of their life.

They appreciate that you were there with them until the end

Having a companion throughout life is important, and it’s what most humans base their whole lives around. So, the fact that your pet has a partner throughout their life means the world to them. Nothing seems scarier than getting to the end of life without anyone with you, so be at peace knowing that even if you had a pet for only a few short years, from their perspective, it might have been an eternity.

Cherish and memorialize your pet through a range of customizable items that you can keep close to your heart, like pet cremation jewelry, or learn how to set up a pet memorial garden and honor their memory by hosting a pet funeral or service.

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